The RML Studios Shades Page - Introduction
This section of the Sentinel Music Studios Web site is dedicated to those rare individuals who have given of their
precious time and effort to provide others with the means of
being able to alter the "look-and-feel" of Bob Lentini's RML Labs line of software
applications, namely Software Audio Console, Software Audio
well as the native effects . To each, we owe a debt
of gratitude that words simply cannot express! Regardless...thank
The Shades Sections
Following are three sections - each focused on shades and the
relevant images for each of the
aforementioned RML Labs software application configurations...
• Software Audio Console:
• Software Audio WorkShop: Link
• Effects
Shades: Link
Following is
relevant and pertinent
information pertaining to the above three sections. And though some may
find this section somewhat "lengthy" - this information is
still very important and relevant nonetheless!!
About the Sections
As you will soon discover, there
four sections in total -
this cover page and one page for each of the
aforementioned software applications. In particular, each of the
software applications sections make provision for the following:
1. The software application and "bit" version -
that is, either 32-Bit or 64-Bit
2. A thumbnail image
3. The application images employ an initial "click", and a subsequent
"click" - both displaying various image sizes of the specified software
4. The effects may employ either an expanded image
view [Echo, Eq, Fa, Lev, Rev and Vtv], or a reduced image view [MWS].
5. Each of the images launch in their own
separate window.
• This implementation was purposeful so as not to exit
the "parent" window.
4. The name of the Shade
5. The "access
type" - of which there are two namely, 1) Download 32-Bit and 2)
Download 64-Bit.
Access Types
The selection of
an access type will produce one-of-three end results
namely, 1) Free,
2) Donation, or 3) Purchase.
Free: Invokes an
immediate download of the selected shade.
Donation: Invokes
navigation to the "Buy Me a Coffee" Web page.
• Upon
receipt of a donation, a follow-up email will be sent providing access
to the requested shade.
Purchase: Invoke
one of two responses, 1) a "Notification" pop-up, or 2) access to the developer's Web
ZIP Files
All free-and-therefore-downloadable shades
and the relevant bitmap images are made available in ZIP format. To unzip
any of the provided data, the software application "7-Zip" is highly
About the Shades - Updated!
A couple of "things"...
1. Please
understand that the shades
that are being provided here are those shades that have been acquired by
myself - whether directly or
indirectly...over the years. More specifically, some of these shades may
no longer be available from the original developers. As I have no direct
contact with many of the developers, it would be appreciated if any questions
and/or concerns that you may have with regards to any of the following shades
be taken-up and addressed with the developers themselves. I do hope that this makes
2. The employment of the term "shade"
will refer to both the .shd data and the .bmp data. As noted in
the section below entitled, "About the Updating of Shades",
"In RML Labs parlance, shades are provided in one-of-two means, 1) as a .shd data
file, and 2) as a .dll data file" ...and... "For SAC and SAW, shades are
provided as a .shd data file. However, for the "effects" -
which are comprised of .dll data files, such "shades" are provided as
"images." Both of these latter two points are important and
therefore, should be remembered!
Development and Provision
The development and
the provision of each of these shades sections involved two very important processes, 1) the naming schemes that are
employed in the original data, and 2) the file creation dates. More
specifically, is what will be referred to as "the inappropriateness"
of both of the above when actually deployed.
1) Naming
schemes employed
A prime example of the
inappropriateness of a naming scheme are the "Pewter" Shades. For
example, the "Pewter Enhanced Plus Special Red Rec_Amber Deluxe.shd"
contains a filename of some 44 characters!! Attempting to make a
filename of this length "work" - especially on a Web page, is, in a
word, impossible.
So, a re-naming process must be
considered. This process takes
time - a) time to provide the existing naming scheme, and b) time to
provide the alternative naming scheme - both of which must be
documented -...if for no other reason, out of respect to the author.
• For
information especially pertaining to the "Pewter" shades, please peruse
the following:
2) File creation dates
As an example of the inappropriateness of file creation dates - the author,
for whatever reason, updates their shade, and sadly,
does NOT provide a "versioning" number. A "new" user may then download that
updated shade, whilst "existing" users - who, being unaware of
the update, may not only continue to employ that "un-updated" shade, but
may even provide that un-updated shade to others.
As a result,
someone else may download that un-updated shade - whilst sadly being
unaware that the author has updated that shade.
This may result in various iterations of a particular shade being
circulated - all without ever knowing the proper versioning of
that particular shade. I do hope that some will realize just how
problematic such deployment can effect.
Also, the manner in which Bob has developed his shades negates -
for the most
part, "time stamps" on shades - so "versioning numbers" become even more
Version Bitmap Differences
Though potentially irrelevant, shades are both "version-and-bit"
specific. More specifically, the total number of images employed in
each of the versions for Software Audio WorkShop and Software Audio
Console may vary, and therefore, it will be helpful to know if the shade you
are interested in will be functional in the software application your are
currently employing.
• Note: To address this particular issue. the following text
will be very helpful:
Version Bitmap Differences
More specifically are the SAC shades. In later versions, Bob added
dedicated "touch-screen" elements to SAC - an additional eighty-four
images! Why does this matter? The free Flat_Gray shade by SLF Audio
is an example. This shade was developed for earlier, 32-bit versions of
SAC, namely, v3. And though I have modified some elements of the v3
shade - namely, the "MIXER_F_MODULE_RTN_v3.bmp", to accommodate the
version differences, the additional eighty-four images have been
left untouched!
• Note: For a listing of the comparisons between
version 3 and version 4 of SAC, please peruse the following: [Click_Me].
The Providers
Following is a
listing of those whom have provided shades for SAC and for SAW. For
further information on the various shades listings, please peruse the
of Shade Developers
• Alan Lastufka - Free
• Ambler - Free
• Bjorn Ivar Tysse - Free
• Brett Brandon - Commercial Only
• Dell Krauchi - Free and Donation
• Nick Dellos - Free
• HapHazzard - Free
• Ivan Grigoriev - Free
• Microstudio - Free
• RML Labs - Commercial and Free...Further information
Audio - Commercial Only...Further information
• Heir Apparent, Terry Gorle - Commercial Only...Further
• Yura
Oran'sky - Free
About the List
The above list contains some very important information with regards to the
various shades that are being made available. This list contains 1) the
name of the shade, 2) the developer of the shade, and 3) nine shade
headings. Please make note of the following:
1. A check mark
indicates if the particular shade is available for the selected
2. The number in brackets indicates the total number of
images provided with that selected shade.
• This number may be used
to determine the usability of a given shade for a given application
3. The Default applications are highlighted in "gold" -
providing a reference of the total number of images that each of these
default applications contains.
The "Unknown" Shades
There are a number of the shades that are derived from "unknown" developers.
If anyone happens to know of the developer of any of these particular shades, it
would be greatly appreciated to be made aware of such developers so that such
information can be updated accordingly. Thank you!
About Brett Brandon
A number of the shades - some twelve of them, were provided by Brett -
and whom sadly, left the forum awhile back. His shades are my all-time
personal favourites - for both their aesthetic and their functional appeal...with
the "Simple" shades being my particular favourite.
access to his shades is no longer made available, the subsequent shades, are, at this time, also
to be no longer made available as well. At the completion of this
project, I will attempt to contact Brett to see if he has any
interest in making his shades once again - available.
• Note: In the
interim, this "unavailability" of Brett's shades will be
further evidenced - where upon selecting that particular shade's "Buy"
option...with the subsequent "Notice!" pop-up being summarily displayed.
About the Updating of Shades - New!
In RML Labs parlance, shades are provided in one-of-two means, 1) as a .shd data
file, and 2) as a .dll data file.
For SAC and SAW, shades are
provided as a .shd data file. However, for the "effects" -
which are comprised of .dll data files, such "shades" are provided as
The deployment of the .shd data files are noted in the
respective User Manuals, for SAW, see, page 246ff, and for SAC, see page
For both .shd data files and .dll data files, the updating
of the respective .dll's requires the employment of two things, 1) a
free application namely, Resource Hacker, and 2) the appropriate "How
To" information. Access to both of these resources is being provided
below...with one minor exception:
For .shd data files
1) The Resource Hacker application: [Link]
2) The "How To" information: [Link]
• This latter information is, as cited, being provided by Brett Brandon,
for whom we all owe a measure of sincere gratitude for his efforts.
3) A text file of Brett's article is being provided here for your
perusal: [Link]
a) This text is being provided "As is"...with the
exception of the links.
b) Please understand that the above
information is for the updating of .shd data ONLY - NOT the updating of
.dll data!
For .dll data files
above information does NOT pertain to the updating of effects .dll's
however - thus, the "with one minor exception" clause! Though
the Resource Hacker application is required for the updating of effects
.dll's, the "ways-and-means" of doing so, just might be a bit
more "involved".
Regarding the latter, information
pertaining to the updating of effects .dll's may be obtained via an
Internet search. For those that may not wish to update the various "effects"
.dll's themselves, I will offer the following two "services",
1) a step-by-step, graphical tutorial, or 2) to perform the necessary
updates for you. Both of these "services" will be made available via any
of the following support links:
buymeacoffee or
PayPalMe. Please
contact me directly for further information.
Other important Information
This "service" is being provided on a "per item"
basis. For bulk services, please
contact me directly.
• Please note, that I will require the
appropriate and "legally obtained" .dll to provide this service
- the latter pertaining to 1) the Studio Frequency Analyzer, 2) the
Studio Levelizer, 3) the Studio MidiWorkShop, and 4) Reverberator 32.
A final note of sincere gratitude...
A note of
gratitude is extended to Angie of
Avocado Productions
who has made available a number of the free shades and her efforts are greatly appreciated!
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